Upcoming events.

Storytime with Njeri Wangari

Storytime with Njeri Wangari

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Little Bookworms

Little Bookworms

We partnered with Rehema Zahia Tales for our first storytime event of the year.

Author line up;

  1. Tatiana Isabel Whitup - Reading Baby Parachichi

  2. Lydia Matioli - Reading Pendo's Power

  3. Lorraine Malu - Reading Wandia Wears

No entry charges.
Storybooks will be available for sale.
Support our local authors by purchasing a copy of their storybooks.

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Pages & Ink - An INKA x Pocket Libraries event

Pages & Ink - An INKA x Pocket Libraries event

Where: Provisions Kenya at Acacia House, Migumoini Close

An event like no other! Kenya’s first (Maybe? We’re not sure) bookish tattoo pop-up event!

We’ve partnered with the awesome INKA tattoo studio and Provisions Kenya to create a bookish-themed event that celebrates readers.

This event is also aimed towards collecting books or donations for a library initiative Pocket Libraries is working on with the CHEPs (Centres for health & education programmes), a non-profit organisation in Malindi.

What to expect:

  • INKA will do their amazing bookish-themed flash tattoos from 2 PM to 7 PM. Prices for the tattoos depend on the design (Usually from 7K up)

  • Order a snack and a drink as you enjoy the lovely garden and patio at Provisions / Acacia House

  • Craft a free upcycled book art activity for all ages

  • Pocket Libraries will be running a book drive where you can donate books or sponsor a book.

If you’re interested in donating books, please note the following:

  • The books donated must be in good condition

  • The book drive is for a school library so books need to be suitable for children between 6 to 16 years.

Limited spaces available so if you want to attend, sign up below!

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